
Sumeeta Sen is known for her expertise in incorporating the principles of Vastu into her designs. Vastu is an ancient Indian system of architecture that focuses on creating a harmonious and balanced environment by balancing the five elements of nature - earth, water, fire, air, and space. Sumeeta's unique approach to design, which combines Vastu principles with modern design concepts, has resulted in spaces that not only look beautiful but also promote positive energy and harmony.

Incorporating Vastu into Design

Sumeeta believes that Vastu is not just a set of rules but a way of life. She incorporates Vastu principles into her designs by analyzing the site, its surroundings, and the client's requirements. By aligning the space with the principles of Vastu, Sumeeta ensures that the design promotes health, happiness, and prosperity.

One of the key principles of Vastu is the orientation of the space. Sumeeta believes that the entrance of the space should face east or north as these directions are considered auspicious. She also focuses on the placement of furniture and fixtures, ensuring that they are arranged in a way that promotes positive energy flow. Sumeeta also uses natural materials and colors that are in harmony with the environment, such as wood, stone, and earth tones, to create a sense of balance and tranquility.

Promoting Vastu Consultation Services

Sumeeta also offers Vastu consultation services to clients who want to incorporate Vastu principles into their homes or offices. Her consultation services include an analysis of the site, a review of the client's requirements, and recommendations for incorporating Vastu principles into the design.

During the consultation process, Sumeeta analyzes the site and the surrounding environment to determine the orientation and energy flow of the space. She also examines the client's requirements, such as their lifestyle and business needs, to determine how the design can support their goals. Sumeeta then creates a plan that incorporates Vastu principles into the design, providing recommendations for materials, colors, and furniture placement that promote positive energy flow.

The Benefits of Vastu Design

Sumeeta's clients have reported numerous benefits from incorporating Vastu principles into their designs. One of the main benefits is improved health and well-being. By aligning the space with the principles of Vastu, Sumeeta ensures that the design promotes a sense of balance and harmony, which can lead to reduced stress and increased energy levels.

Another benefit is improved relationships. Vastu principles promote positive energy flow and harmony, which can improve relationships between family members or colleagues in the workplace. Clients have reported improved communication and cooperation after incorporating Vastu principles into their designs.

Financial prosperity is another benefit of Vastu design. By aligning the space with the principles of Vastu, Sumeeta ensures that the design promotes financial prosperity and success. Clients have reported increased sales and profits after incorporating Vastu principles into their business designs.

Vastu Consultation

Incorporating Vastu principles into designs is a unique and innovative approach to interior design that can promote positive energy flow, harmony, and balance. Sumeeta's expertise in incorporating Vastu principles into her designs has resulted in stunning and functional spaces that not only look beautiful but also promote health, happiness, and prosperity. Sumeeta's Vastu consultation services offer clients an opportunity to incorporate these principles into their own homes or offices, promoting a sense of balance and harmony that can lead to numerous benefits.

If you are looking to incorporate Vastu principles into your designs or space, Sumeeta Sen's expertise in this field can be invaluable. Her consultation services offer a comprehensive analysis of your space